Stoa Felsefesinde Doğayla Bütünleşip Kayalaşan Bilgenin Düşündürdükleri (The Thoughts of the Sage Who Integrates with Nature and Becomes Rock in Stoic Philosophy)



Stoic school, wisdom, Epictetus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelıus


This study aims to analyze the Stoic School, one of the most influential schools of Hellenistic Roman philosophy, and its main thinkers in terms of their relations with wisdom, virtue and nature. The study will try to trace how the Stoic school developed their ethical doctrine, which is one of their most influential fields of study, and how they tried to harmonize their own nature and external nature in the relationship between wisdom, reason and nature, in the thoughts of the Stoic school, which were influenced by the natural philosophers of the First Age and Plato, Socrates and Aristotle. Especially in the last periods when the influence of Roman Stoicism became evident, the thoughts of the famous Stoic thinkers who contributed to this period through their lives and thoughts will be discussed and evaluated in terms of nature, reason, wisdom and virtue. It will be tried to illuminate through basic texts how human beings are guided to integrate with nature and be a part of it through the basic virtues in which calmness and moderation are emphasized.


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How to Cite

GECE, Şule. (2023). Stoa Felsefesinde Doğayla Bütünleşip Kayalaşan Bilgenin Düşündürdükleri (The Thoughts of the Sage Who Integrates with Nature and Becomes Rock in Stoic Philosophy). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 7(2), 181–192. Retrieved from

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