Publication Policy

Anatolian Journal of Cultural Research is a peer-reviewed, periodical and international journal published online since 2017. The language of Anatolian Journal of Cultural Research is Turkey Turkish. However, English articles can also be included in each issue, provided that they comply with the publication principles. Our journal is published three times a year on the 25th of the relevant month in April, August and December. Evaluation in Anatolian Journal of Cultural Researches, articles on cultural studies, history, geography, literature, folklore, Contemporary Turkish Dialects, Public Administration, Sociology, Social Psychology, etc. are published. They are pre-evaluated by the editor in terms of compliance with the publication principles and spelling rules of the Journal of Anatolian Cultural Studies. The manuscripts that are found appropriate as a result of the preliminary evaluation are sent to two referees for review. If both referees' reports are positive, the manuscript can be published. If one of the reports is unfavourable, the manuscript is submitted to the opinion of a third referee. Manuscripts with negative opinions of two referees cannot be published in the journal. The responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors. Manuscripts that are not accepted for publication will not be returned to their authors.