Examining Social Studies Teachers’ Thoughts on Museum Education in Terms of Various Variables


  • Engin ZABUN Yazar




Museum, museum education, social studies teacher


This study aimed to examine the views and thoughts of social studies teachers on museum education in terms of various variables. The views of social studies teachers on museum education were obtained through the “Museum and Museum Education Scale”. The study utilized a correlational survey design, one of the quantitative research methods. According to the results of the study, a significant difference was found between female and male social studies teachers in favor of female teachers in the factor of expectations about education in museums, while no significant difference was found in the distributions based on the participants’ years of seniority. A significant difference was found in favor of teachers who graduated from the field of social studies education in the factor of the effect of museums on personal development based on the participants’ undergraduate education. A significant difference was also found in favor of teachers who received in-service training on museum education compared to those who did not receive such training in both the effect of museums on education and the expectations about education in museums. In the factor of the effect of museums on personal development, there was also a significant difference in favor of the participants who took a course to develop their professional knowledge and skills in museum education compared to those who did not receive any training in museum education. According to the status of having classes in museums, there was a significant difference in the factors of the effect of museums on education and personal development in favor of those who had classes in museums compared to those who did not. According to the results of social media follow-up related to the field, a significant difference was also found in favor of teachers who followed social media in the factors of the effect of museums on education and personal development. In line with the results obtained in the research, it is recommended to develop appropriate content that can be used through in-service training and social media for museum education and to effectively implement this content in educational processes.


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How to Cite

ZABUN, E. (2024). Examining Social Studies Teachers’ Thoughts on Museum Education in Terms of Various Variables. Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 8(3). https://doi.org/10.15659/jancr.v8i3.193

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