The Garbage Can Model in Public Policy Change: Türkiye’s Economic Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic




Public policy, garbage can model, COVID-19 pandemic, Türkiye economic policy


The garbage can model posits that decision-making processes are disorganized, random, and chaotic. The model
assumes that policy decisions are made through the random intersection of problems, solutions, and decisionmaking
opportunities. The pandemic has profoundly impacted the economy globally, including in Türkiye,
necessitating a swift reassessment of existing economic policies. During this process, Türkiye undertook various
radical policy changes to revive the economy. Under rapid and urgent economic measures, financial support
packages, tax reductions, credit facilities, and sectoral incentives were implemented. This study examines the
changes in Türkiye’s economic policies during the COVID-19 pandemic within the context of the garbage can
model. The article addresses how these policy changes can be evaluated in the context of the garbage can model
and demonstrates how economic decision-making processes become chaotic during crises. The complexity and
randomness that emerged in decision-making processes amid the uncertainty brought by the pandemic are
analyzed in alignment with the dynamics of the model. Additionally, the long-term effects and sustainability of
these rapid and radical decisions taken during the economic recovery process are examined. In this context, the
article details the factors influencing the determination of Türkiye’s economic policies during the pandemic, the
challenges faced by decision-makers, and the chaotic nature of this process.


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How to Cite

UZUN, H., & OKUR, A. (2025). The Garbage Can Model in Public Policy Change: Türkiye’s Economic Policy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 9(1), 203–234.