The Impact of Online Brand Experience and Brand Awareness on Brand Image and Reputation on Online Shopping Platforms


  • Parisa ALİZADE Gazi Üniversitesi



Brand experience, brand awareness, brand image, brand attractiveness, brand reputation


Today online shopping platforms greatly influence consumers’ thoughts and behaviors about brands. In this context, the study aims to determine the impact of online brand experience and brand awareness on brand image and the impact of brand image on brand attractiveness and brand reputation. In addition, the study investigates the moderating role of brand involvement on the relationships among online brand experience, brand awareness, brand image, brand attractiveness, and brand reputation. This empirical study was conducted with a proposed model that was tested using surveys administered to a sample of 480 online shoppers in Türkiye. Path analysis was conducted to test the research hypotheses through structural equation modeling. The study findings revealed that online brand experience and brand awareness positively affect functional and affective brand image, and affective brand image positively affects brand attractiveness and brand reputation. Additionally, the study findings demonstrated that functional brand image does not have a direct impact on brand attractiveness and brand reputation. Furthermore, indicating the moderating role of brand involvement on correlations between the variables in the structural model has brought originality to the study.


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How to Cite

ALİZADE, P. (2025). The Impact of Online Brand Experience and Brand Awareness on Brand Image and Reputation on Online Shopping Platforms. Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 9(1), 49–71.

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