6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Matematiksel Modelleme Yeterliklerinin Akademik Başarı Ve Tutumlar Açısından İncelenmesi (Examination of Mathematical Modelling Competencies of 6th Grade Students in terms of Academic Success and Attitudes)
Mathematics education, mathematical modeling, mathematical modeling competenceAbstract
Mathematical modeling is the process of coping with real life problems. In this process, it has been argued that there must be certain competences in the literature to overcome challenges (Blum ve Kaiser, 1997). The mathematics education that students acquires at school should give them the ability to deal with the problems that they encounter in real life. In this resaearch, mathematical modeling competencies of the students and levels of these competencies were determined. Moreover, the relation between students' mathematical achievements levels, their attitudes towards mathematics courses and mathematical modeling competencies has been determined. The study was conducted with 63 students at the 6th grade level studying at a public school. In order to determine mathematical modelling competencies of students, two different modelling activities implemented for 2 hour for each. As a result of the activities, students were graded in the direction of the data obtained from the student working papers, observation notes and interviews via the Modeling Competency Evaluation Scale(MCES) developed by Tekin Dede and Bukova Güzel(2014). The mathematical achievements of the students are measured by the multiple choice test that developed by the researcher. The attitudes of the students towards the mathematics courses were determined by an attitude scale developed by Baykul (1990). As a result of the obtained data, it was determined that the students showed a very low level of modeling competence and there was a significant relationship between the students' modeling competence and mathematical achievement, but no significant relationship was found between the other variables.
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