Ortaöğretim Sosyoloji Dersi Öğretim Progmlarında Din Kurumu-Laiklik Ve Ders Kitaplarına Yansımaları (The Institution of Religion and Secularism in the Teaching Programs and Textbooks of the Course of Sociology)


  • Beyhan ZABUN


Secondary education, Sociology teaching, Religion, Secularism


In the current study the status of the institution of religion and secularism in the programs of the course of sociology that was applied from 1924 onwards was studied. Sociology teaching in Turkey first took place in “Saloniki İttihat ve Terakki High School” in 1911 in the secondary education programs and then in the secondary education program in 1924. Nine different programs were applied from 1924 up to the current time. The content of each program differs depending on the social, political features of the era it was approved. These eras could be classified as one party period, the adoption and application of revolutions, multi-party period, political conflict periods between 1960-1980, 12th September 1980 and afterwards period, 1990s when intensive social change was experienced and 2000s as the process of globalization. Teaching the institution of religion firstly within the general objectives of education and also in the general and special objectives of the course of sociology is of importance. This importance is related to the political function of education and is a controversial issue. As for secularism, it is of importance as it is both one of the basic features of Turkish state and also one of the most controversial issues. In the programs investigated, it was found that that both of them were studied in different ways depending on the characteristics of the period separately and the relation with each other.


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How to Cite

ZABUN, B. (2018). Ortaöğretim Sosyoloji Dersi Öğretim Progmlarında Din Kurumu-Laiklik Ve Ders Kitaplarına Yansımaları (The Institution of Religion and Secularism in the Teaching Programs and Textbooks of the Course of Sociology). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 2(3), 34–45. Retrieved from https://ankad.org/index.php/ankad/article/view/42

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