Hurşit Dostmuhammet ve Ferit Edgü’nün Hikâyelerinde Müşterek Karakterler Dünyası (Universal Images in the Stories of Khurshid Dustmukhammad and Ferit Edgü)



Uzbek story, Turkish story, style, spirit, image, storyline


This article analyzes the themes of the Uzbek and Turkish storytelling, in particular the stories of Khurshid Dustmukhammad and Ferit Edgu, the methodological peculiarity, the ability to make heroism. In the study, it was found out that X.Dustmukhammad's "Jodi", "A Man Sitting in Silence", "Curse of Lamblike Bird", F.Edgu's "Executioner", "Death of Executioner", "Darkness", "The Day That Disappeared", "Unexpected visitor" have been studied in a comparative aspect. It also speaks of the source of the influences of both writers who made an important contribution to the development of modern Uzbek and Turkish narratives. The influence of the style of the great writer of The World’s Literature Franz Kafka, on the style of storytelling was also observed. X. Dustmukhammad and F. Edgu's psychological characteristic heroes the executioners were ideologically composed, and the characters were investigated.


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How to Cite

KENCAYEVA, P. (2019). Hurşit Dostmuhammet ve Ferit Edgü’nün Hikâyelerinde Müşterek Karakterler Dünyası (Universal Images in the Stories of Khurshid Dustmukhammad and Ferit Edgü). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 3(2), 205–214. Retrieved from

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