Kalite Geliştirme ve Performans Değerlendirme Metodu PATH’ın Sağlık İşletmelerinde Uygulanması (Application on PATH, The Method of Quality Improvement and Performance Evaluation)
Process, Process Management, EFQM (European Quality Management Foundation)Abstract
Each enterprise is established to implement certain tasks and achieve an accurate set of objectives and goals. The main aim of business management is to achieve these goals and tasks in the best way possible. An enterprise can determine its best interest, but it is only possible with performance management. The existence and continuity of businesses depend on the accuracy and validity of understanding its performance. In this study, the aim is to investigate the current performance of Karabük State Hospital in an effort to evaluate the consequences of PATH performance model and hospital services, to contribute to the realization of values such as growth, stability and interaction of employees, management, to ensure the continuity of these studies by transforming them into quality improvement indicators that would improve the overall performance, quality and productivity of the hospital. The evaluation of the hospital administration processes by performance management in the organization is interpreted by the dimensions of PATH performance model which analyze the improvements in quality and efficiency in existing processes. In order to increase the general performance, the new service was established and every weakness and strength of the various services which are provided according to PATH to the institution , the weaknesses are strengthened at the stage of technical specifications, the number of patients and patient’s satisfacion increased, and the main goals and objectives of the institution were met efficiently.
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