Yeni Nesil Matematik Sorularına İlişkin Tutum Ölçeği Geliştirme: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması (Development of Attitude Scale Related to New Generation Math Questions: Validity and Relibility Study)
Secondary school students, math, new generation questions, attitude, development of scaleAbstract
Countries which carry out modern education system always want to have outputs of their systems, and make the educational policies as a result of these outputs. Success that countries have in terms of education is not only related to their countries but also it is a model for other countries. It is explained with gradations of exams such as PISA, TIMSS, which are internationally made, about whether the countries are successful and the countries
make efforts to develop their education systems according to data which are obtained from these parts. So Ministry of National Education made decision that questions to be in a central exam such as examination for high schools (LGS) should have a quality to measure a set of students’ skills in consideration with necessities of time and Turkey’s success situation in international exams in 2018. The situation caused that students meet with questions being named as new generation questions that they have during the international exams. One of new generation question types that students have during central exams is new generation questions belonging to math class. Data of this study which was made in purpose of developing a valid and reliable measuring instrument to be used in determining students’ attitudes related to new generation math questions was obtained from 399 students who have received their education at secondary schools in central districts in Ankara during fall term of 2020-2021 in academic Year. As a result of analyses from the point of data; it was concluded that total correlation coefficients of scale item are at acceptable level and all the items statistically show significance. As a result of AFA which was made, it was determined that scale items came under three aspects. When data related to reliability coefficient and validity being tested on overall of scale is evaluated, it can be said that measuring instrument is a valid and reliable measuring instrument to be used in determining secondary school students’ attitudes related to new generation math questions.
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