Maki Türlerinin Küre Dağlarında Erişebildikleri Maksimum Yükseltiler (The Maximum Upgrades That Machine Species Can Achieve on the Küre Mountains)



Kure Mountains, Maquis Formation, Black Sea Region, Vegetation


Without a doubt, the Mediterranean climate has the greatest influence area in Anatolian geography, which has climate diversity on both a micro and macro scale. It is a known fact that the Mediterranean climate, which is in the category of subtropical climates, is affected by both temperature and precipitation regimes, albeit partially, in other climatic zones. The dominant plant species of the Mediterranean climate zone is red pine (Pinus brutia). Red pines, which lost their dominance in the Mediterranean climate zone, where strong plant destruction has been experienced from the past to the present, have been replaced by the maquis formation, which forms the forest floor. The goal of this study is to determine the levels of maquis in the research area, which can reach 1000 m in the Mediterranean coastal belt, 800 m in the Aegean coast, 500 m in the South Marmara coast, and 150-200 m in the Black Sea coast as a pseudomachine formation, in order to uncover the causes. As a result of the research, among the 12 maquis found in the field, mullein (Spartium junceum) reached 750 m, sandalwood (Arbutus andrachne) reached 900 m, tar juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus), laurel (Laurus nobilis) and dyer's mullein (Genista tinctoria) It has been observed that species can reach up to 1000 m. Among the maquis found in the field, it can be seen that menengiç (Pistacia terebinthus) can go up to 1100 m, maple (Phillyrea latifolia) can reach up to 1125 m. both identified as species. The Spruce (Cistus salviifolius) was determined to be the species that could reach 1300 m, which is the highest level of maquis species seen in the field. Contrary to what is known, it has been clearly seen that the view factor and topographical conditions that lessen the effect of the cool winds in the northern sector caused the maquis species to reach these levels in the Black Sea coastal zone.


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How to Cite

AYDINÖZÜ, D., & ÇOBAN, A. (2022). Maki Türlerinin Küre Dağlarında Erişebildikleri Maksimum Yükseltiler (The Maximum Upgrades That Machine Species Can Achieve on the Küre Mountains). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 6(3), 304–320. Retrieved from