Kurum Kültürü Oluşturma ve Dil Becerileri ( Creating Institution Culture and Language Skills)




Corporate culture, language skills, corporate identity


The institutional culture accepted as a personality of a corporation has started to gain more importance nowadays with technological and cultural developments. The reason why institutions are trying to create a culture that is unique to them is that the culture is very influential on the events, the employees and the customer relations in the business life. Institutions have to consider the institutional culture in order to sustain their existence. Organizations that have a solid corporate culture reach success more quickly and easily. In this article, it has been tried to draw attention to the relation of language skills, which is an integral part of corporate communication, by establishing corporate culture. As a result of field survey; it has been determined that the studies related to the corporate culture are usually made by experts who serve in the human resources management and communication sector. It is known that Turkish language literature and Turkish educators have not done any work on this subject before. In our work entitled Culture Creation and Language Skills, we aimed to consider the inseparability of the institutional culture to the field of language skills closely related to communication.


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İnternet Kaynakları

http://oys.hku.edu.tr/Dersicerikleri/eisl506/pdf/6.pdf adresinden 01.12.2017 tarihinde alınmıştır. http://notoku.com/kurumsal-imaj/ adresinden 01.12.2017 tarihinde alınmıştır. http://notoku.com/kurumsal-dizayn-kultur-ve-imaj-iliskisi/ adresinden 29.12.2017 tarihinde alınmıştır.



How to Cite

ARTUÇ BEKTEŞ, S. (2018). Kurum Kültürü Oluşturma ve Dil Becerileri ( Creating Institution Culture and Language Skills). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 2(1), 1–19. Retrieved from https://ankad.org/index.php/ankad/article/view/28

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