The Investigations of the Perception of Various Variabilities of the National Identity of Turkmen Secondary School Students Living in Iraq: Kirkuk Example
National identity perception, national identity, Turkman students, KirkukAbstract
This study has been carried out for the investigation of the perception of national identity of the Turkman secondary education students as regards to various different variables. The study was based on the survey model. The data acquisition tool was national identity perception scale developed by Gelişli (2014). The scale was constituted by two parts as national identity and religion. The working group was 87 students studying in Kirkuk (Iraq). The data obtained were evaluated by the SPSS statistical software. The data were evaluated by the use of descriptive statistics t- test for the independent samples and One Way Anova for the dependent samples as a result of the study the mean of the opinions of the students related to national identity and values was found to be at the level of C
=4.21. Also mean of the opinions of the students related to national identity and religion was observed to be quite
high as C =4.27. There were significant differences between the Turkoman secondary education students regardıng to their perceptions of national identity and values and national identity and religion according to gender variable in favor of girls. However there were no differences in their perceptions regarding to social class, ıncome of the family, and education status of mother or father. According to these data the fact the perception of national identity of the students are similar shows that the importance given the national identity concept in social sciences course is not sufficient create a difference in their national identity concepts. So it is recommended that the Turkman student educated in their mother language the attıtudes and benefits in social sciences programs must be modified to improve their national identity perceptions.
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