Osmanlı’da Demiryolu Ağının Gelişimi Açısından Hicaz Demiryolu (Hicaz Railway for the Development of Railway Network in The Ottoman)
Hicaz, II. Abdülhamit, railway, MeccaAbstract
Sultan II. Abdülhamit aims to build a railway line that connects Istanbul with Mecca and from there to the Red Sea. This railway line, which began in 1900 and was completed in 1908, was aimed at the pilgrims in the Ottoman Empire to perform the task of pilgrimage in an easy way, in order to modernize the cities and to make the regions where rails pass through. The most ambitious situation in the project is the goal of realizing construction with national resources without giving concession to foreigners. In this study, to examine the development of the Ottoman State through the Hejaz Railway Project and to examine the early ideas of this project and to examine the modernization process of the state by examining the military, economic and religious profits of the state through the railway line.
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İstanbul: Çamlıca Basım.
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