Ayn Rand İçin Dünyadaki Kötülüklerin Kaynağı: Altruizm (The Source of Evil in the World for Ayn Rand: Altruism)
Altruism, Rational egoism, Objectivism, Altruism MoralityAbstract
One of the questions at the centre of ethical debates is 'what is or should be the basic motivation for our behaviour?' While seeking an answer to this question, 'altruism' and 'egoism' have different perspectives. Ayn Rand argues that rational egoism is based on reasoning, not self-sacrifice, whereas, the highest moral duty of altruism, which has no rational side, is self-sacrifice. For this reason, Rand claims that altruism is an approach that is harmful to human nature and life. While arguing for a rational moral philosophy, Rand aims to get to the root of the problems, develop a moral system based on objective realities and causality, and reveal the true meaning of egoism which she thinks is full of misunderstandings. However, the validity of Rand's arguments on altruism remains controversial because it is a common behavior that people frequently support each other financially and morally in their daily lives without expecting anything in return. Recent sociological, psychological, and even biological studies have revealed that altruism is as intrinsic as egoism in humans. In the article, Ayn Rand's critique of altruism will be explained, and the validity of her thoughts will be examined.
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