Turkish Performances of Research Universities: A Descriptive Content Analysis Study


  • Fatma Humeyra YÜCEL Academician




Academic performance, higher education, ranking systems, research universities, university


Higher education institutions in Türkiye are going through dynamic processes, experiencing transformations based on modern paradigms, and the performances of universities are gaining importance in international and national rankings. This study aims to examine the performances of 23 research universities that show diversity in higher education according to different indicators. The research used a descriptive study design. The “2023 University Monitoring and Evaluation General Report” of the Council of Higher Education was used as the data source, and the data was collected and analyzed using document analysis and descriptive content analysis techniques. The study includes nine key indicators. The findings indicated that Koç University ranks first in indexed journal and book publications, Hacettepe University leads in the top 10% citation percentile, Yıldız Technical University ranks first in patent, utility model, and design applications, and İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University leads in approved patent applications. Additionally, Hacettepe University ranks first in supported R&D projects and industry-collaborated projects, Ankara University leads in international symposiums, congresses, and art exhibitions, Yıldız Technical University ranks first in research scholarships funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK), and Istanbul Technical University leads in the number of students enrolled in doctoral programs among those employed in Technology Development Zones. It can be stated that all research universities generally make significant contributions to the Turkish higher education system, and their performance is relatively high both among themselves and compared to other universities. Therefore, such higher education institutions serve as pioneers for other universities through their scientific activities. At the end of the study, recommendations are provided regarding the expansion of research universities and the enhancement of academic performance.


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How to Cite

YÜCEL, F. H. (2025). Turkish Performances of Research Universities: A Descriptive Content Analysis Study. Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 9(1), 148–171. https://doi.org/10.15659/jancr.v9i1.210

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