Zihinsel Yetersizliğe Sahip Öğrencilere Yön Bulma Becerisinin Kazandırılması (Upskilling Students Who Have Mental Inadequacy with Sence of Direction)


  • Zeynep YAYLACI
  • Bülent AKSOY


Social Studies, mental deficiency, sense of direction


The purpose of this research is to help mentally deficient students acquire the sense of direction. The study group of the research consists of three 6th grade students with slight mental deficiency. Research data is collected through the “Skill Level Assessment Test” which was prepared based on the views of two specialists in Social Studies and Special Education field. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test is used in data analysis. According to research results, in order for the mentally deficient students to acquire the sense of direction, first they need to fully comprehend prerequisite concepts of this skill, such as direction, map and compass. Another research result is that, analysis and laddering of the skill highly facilitate the mentally deficient students in acquiring the sense of direction. The research further shows that; while demonstration method is efficient in helping the students acquire the sense of direction through the use of map and compass, it fails to be fully satisfying in teaching other direction finding methods. So it is concluded that; methods making use of natural elements like the sun and stars, such as trip and observation, could help the students perceive the place better and thus facilitate their acquisition of the sense of direction.


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How to Cite

YAYLACI, Z., & AKSOY, B. (2017). Zihinsel Yetersizliğe Sahip Öğrencilere Yön Bulma Becerisinin Kazandırılması (Upskilling Students Who Have Mental Inadequacy with Sence of Direction). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 1(1), 35–50. Retrieved from https://ankad.org/index.php/ankad/article/view/8

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