Asya Kıtasındaki Gerilmiş Sınırlar (Tensioned Borders in Asian continent)
Asia, Border, Geography, State, ConflictAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the reasons and current situation of border problems in Asia. In this research, descriptive survey model was used. The regular formation of today's borders is historically based on international conferences such as Vienna in 1815, Versailles in 1919 and Postdam in 1945. In the determination of the borders, strong countries have prioritized targets to use the imperial powers effectively in wider geographies and to provide a peace for their own interests and they have not taken into consideration the political, social, economic and cultural situation most of the time. It is inevitable that the world map will change in the future. Today, nations on both sides of problematic borders have various historical and cultural motivations. North-South Korea, Azerbaijan- Armenia, Palestine-Israel, India-Pakistan ... etc. border problems of countries have so much to do with state policies and the self of the nation that even mutually acceptable solutions are very difficult to achieve. The origins of border disputes can be tragic and old. In addition, the strategic position of countries, underground and surface resources, transportation routes, ethnic or religious identities, ideologies are the main reasons for the emergence of border problems. The tense and restless environment created by the border problems among the countries in the Asian continent can lead to consequences in favor of Western countries in many areas, especially economic competition, and may lead to unfavorable consequences for Asian countries. If these border problems are not solved, then the conflict or war turn into a global issue. The wars that will emerge as a result of the problems that will arise will prepare the environment for the migration wave on an international scale. In addition, tensions necessitate the construction of weapons and military masses at the borders. This situation will lead to an increase in the defense expenditures of the countries in the Asian continent and will decrease the welfare level of the citizens of that country. Decrease the level of welfare of societies in the national and international area social, cultural, scientific economic and so on. contributions will be delayed.
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