Coğrafya Öğretmen Adaylarının Mekânsal Düşünme Becerisine İlişkin Görüşleri (Geography Preservice Teachers’ Views on Spatial Thinking Skill)
Geography teaching, spatial thinking skill, geography preservice teachersAbstract
This study aimed to determine the opinions of geography pre-service teachers about spatial thinking. Case study approach which is a kind of quantitative research design was used in this research. There were thirty (30) participants of 4th grade pre-service geography teachers in Department of Geography, Faculty of Art and Science, Pamukkale University in 2018/2019 academic year. Pre-service teachers included during the study were chosen based on convenience sampling. Data were collected by face-to-face interview technique using semi-structured interview form designed by the researcher. The data obtained in the course of the research were analysed through using MAXQDA program. The analysis revealed that, the opinions of the pre-service teachers did not match up with the international literature in terms of “definition, components, importance and teaching” of spatial thinking skills. A number of suggestions have been made regarding the teaching of spatial thinking skills.
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