Pandemi Sürecinde Okul Yönetimine İlişkin İdareci Görüşleri (Administrator’s Views on School Manegement About the Pandemic Process)
School administrators, school management about pandemic process, distance educationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the opinions of school administrators about the process and the newly developing business and operations they undertake during the pandemic process. Also how the administrators carry out these new tasks was determined as the aim of the research. The research, which is a qualitative study, made with a phenomenological pattern and semi-structured interview method. 29 school administrators from various primary, secondary and high schools in the city center of Düzce province, participated in this study. The data were collected between 14-22 December 2020 by using the semi-structured interview form which is prepared by the researcher. Participants were determined from administrators who were easily accessible for the researcher and other administrators pointed by these administrators. The semi-structured open-ended questions which are prepared by the researcher were presented to the participants via digital media. In the study, the difficulties that administrators face during the pandemic period are identified as; isolation, live class scheduling problems, tasks and procedures about "My clean School" project, shortcoming of human sources for school hygiene, tasks and procedures about face-to-face education. In the study, it was concluded that the administrators worked at an intense pace to avoid disrupting their institution’s education activities, regardless of the concepts such as time, place and working hours. Administrators has sought solutions to reach the necessary financial resources, and it has been determined that in cases where there is a lack of information, they produce solutions to their problems with solidarity between administrators. It has been determined that when the subjects of this research were planning the lessons they worked hard not to make the teachers and students suffer. It has been concluded that they are carrying out studies in order not to interrupt the education and use the existing resources at the highest level.
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