Determining the Opinions of the Faculty Members Working on the Faculty of Education for Online Education During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Pandemic, Coronavirus pandemic, online education, instructorAbstract
This study was conducted in order to examine the opinions of the instructors about online education applied during the coronavirus pandemic, which spread rapidly around the world and caused loss of life. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. In the creation of the study group, the appropriate sampling method was preferred. In this direction, the opinions of 40 faculty members from two state universities located in the Central Anatolia Region were applied. The research data were collected by the semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher. The data obtained were evaluated and interpreted with content analysis. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the instructors conducted their online courses by using computers through Big Blue Button and Zoom platforms. It has been determined that online education has advantages such as being flexible in terms of time and place, providing continuity in educational activities during the pandemic process, yet disadvantages such as network interruption, insufficient infrastructure, and communication problems as well. Likewise, it was concluded that the online education process increased the ability of the instructors to use technology, but the lessons could not be conducted efficiently because there was no multifaceted interaction in the lessons. It has been determined that teachers benefit most from process-based techniques such as performance, project, homework during the measurement and evaluation process. Based on these findings, it can be ensured that applications that can be interacted with more can be developed and used by combining online training and face-to-face training by strengthening the infrastructure.
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