Sosyal Bilgiler Dersini Ters Yüz Etmek (Reverse Social Studies Course)



Flipped Classroom Model, Social Studies


Flipped Classroom Model is a blended teaching model that it includes technology to education process and it tries to focus on an active teaching models. It is also known as flipped learning, inverted classroom, blended learning means that transport to the out-of class process to inside of the classroom. It is described as a method that it gives opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge learned at home to the school. The topics are learned by students at home via videos sent from spesific platform or some other additional resources. During classtime, related activities are done. This method provides teachers enough time to active teaching activities during class time. Also, it gives opportunity to reinforce the topics they learned. It used in countries abroad for a while but we recently have used it. When reviewing literature, it is obvious that there isn’t enough study related to integration of flipped classroom model to social studies. Students have hard time to undestand social studies in secondary school because most of the topics are abstract. It is thought that application of flipped classrom model to social studies makes learning fun and makes students more activie. It is considered that using this model in social studies education will be efficient. The aim of this study is to present what is flipped classroom model give education related to application of this model by literature review. Also, it aims to examine the importance of using this model in social studies teaching. It adopts qualitative research approach and it is carried out by document review. At the end of the study, a sample of application is presented related to usage of this model in social studies. It is made various suggestion related to usage of flipped classroom model in social studies.


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How to Cite

KARAMAN, B., & ALADAĞ, E. (2019). Sosyal Bilgiler Dersini Ters Yüz Etmek (Reverse Social Studies Course). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 3(2), 104–115. Retrieved from

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