Yabancı Bir Öğrencinin Gözünden Türkiye’de Sosyal Bilgiler Lisans Öğrenimi Görmek: Bir Anlatı Araştırması (Studying in Social Studies Teaching Undergraduate Education in Turkey through the Perspective of a Foreign Student: A Narrative Research)



Foreign student, social studies, social studies undergraduate education, narrative research


This research aims to reveal the social studies teaching undergraduate education process in Turkey through a holistic story in the light of the story of a foreign student. A qualitative research approach was used in the research. As a design, narrative research was preferred. The study group of the research consists of a foreign student. Criterion sampling, which is one of the purposive sampling strategies, was used to determine the participant. A semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool. The data collection process of the research consists of two-session interviews. Narrative analysis was used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, it has been determined that having a democratic family structure and the effect of the environment are important for the participant to show her will to study abroad. Another conclusion reached was that the reason why the participant chose Turkey in university preference was that it was culturally similar to her own country. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the language problem reduced the efficiency of the participant's entire learning process. In addition, the participant's preference for the department of social studies teaching without researching caused the undergraduate process to be partially inefficient. Finally, despite all the difficulties experienced, other results are that studying social studies undergraduate education in Turkey leaves positive traces on participant, the participant is easily adopted from the social sphere and developed many personal characteristics in the process.


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How to Cite

ERDOĞAN, E. (2021). Yabancı Bir Öğrencinin Gözünden Türkiye’de Sosyal Bilgiler Lisans Öğrenimi Görmek: Bir Anlatı Araştırması (Studying in Social Studies Teaching Undergraduate Education in Turkey through the Perspective of a Foreign Student: A Narrative Research). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 5(3), 275–291. Retrieved from https://ankad.org/index.php/ankad/article/view/120

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