Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin İlk Okuma Ve Yazma Öğretimine Yönelik Öz Yeterlik İnançlarının Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Primary School Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Teaching of Emergent Literacy)
Emergent literacy, primary school teacher, self efficacyAbstract
This study aims to identify teachers’ assessment of their level of self-efficacy in teaching of emergent literacy. Qualitative and quantitative data were utilised in this study. Quantitative data was gathered by means of 'Self Efficacy in Emergent Literacy Scale' while qualitative data was gathered by means of semi- structured interview questions. The population of the study consists 1547 primary school teachers who work at public and private primary schools in Yenimahalle, Ankara during 2016-17 school years. The study sample consists of 348 primary school teachers selected through stratified sampling sampling method. In order to support quantitative data results, 15 teachers were selected through criterion sampling method and were interviewed to gather qualitative data. The quantitative data obtained from the study were analyzed statistically. Qualitative data was transferred to computer and analysed by means of descriptive analysis method. The study revealed that primary school teachers has high self- efficacy in teaching of first reading and writing. Self-efficacy levels of female primary school teachers positively differ from that of male primary school teachers. The more class teachers' giving lecture to first grades increase the more their self efficacy beliefs increase. Based on their professional degree, first literacy teaching self efficacy points of teachers with 1-4 year experience is lower than class teachers with other professional degree groups. However, as professional degree increases, it is concluded that class teachers' first literacy teaching self efficacy belief is more than class teachers with 1-4 year degree.
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