Investigation of Secondary School Students' Decision Making Styles towards the Concept of Transhumanism
Ortaokul öğrencileri, transhümanizm, karar verme, karar verme stilleri, Transhumanism, decision-making, decision-making styles, secondary school studentsAbstract
This research aims to examine the decision-making styles of secondary school students about transhumanism. In line with this purpose, the study, which was carried out with qualitative research method, examined the decision-making styles of students on transhumanism. The study group consists of 32 seventh-grade students attending a public school in Kırşehir during the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Data were obtained using a scenario form developed by the researchers to gauge perspectives on transhumanism. Content analysis was employed to interpret the data obtained. The findings revealed that secondary school students predominantly preferred a rational decision-making style in relation to the concept of transhumanism. This was followed, respectively, by emotional, dependent, and avoidant decision-making styles. Furthermore, students did not exhibit any spontaneous decision-making tendencies on the topic of transhumanism, as they provided no responses indicative of this style. This research highlights certain tendencies in students' decision-making processes, showing that some decision-making styles are more prevalent than others. Additionally, the study provides valuable insights into how students' decision-making processes around transhumanism are shaped and which styles they prioritize.
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