Determining the Cognitive Structures of Turkish and Syrian Secondary School Students Regarding the Concept of Citizenship by Using the Word Association Test
Citizenship, word association test, cognitive structure, concept, valueAbstract
This research was conducted to reveal the cognitive structures of Turkish and Syrian secondary school students regarding the concept of "Citizenship" through the Word Association Test (WAT). The research was carried out in the scanning model. The Word Association Test prepared for the research was used as a data collection tool. The students were asked to write the words that came to their minds about the key concept of "citizenship" in the Word Association Test within the time given to them. The study group of the research was selected by maximum diversity sampling and consisted of 325 secondary school students, 160 of whom were Turkish and 165 were Syrian, studying in Kayseri in the 2022-2023 academic year. As a result of the research, the words obtained related to the concept of the citizenship were examined in detail by tabulating, and conceptual networks were created in line with the cut points determined by considering the repeated words. In the research, 93 different words for the concept of citizenship were produced by Turkish secondary school students and 85 different words were produced by Syrian secondary school students. Among these words, the most repeated word by Turkish students was "respect" (f=31). Other words that followed this word from most to less were the words "unity" (f=26) and "togetherness" (f=25). The most repeated word by Syrian students was "love" (f=32), followed by "homeland" (f=31) and "Turkey" (f=25). When the words and frequencies produced by Turkish and Syrian students about citizenship are examined, it is seen that the words love, nation, benevolence and responsibility are jointly derived. It has been seen that the concept of citizenship is explained by values in the words produced by Turkish and Syrian students.
Keywords: citizenship, Word Association Test, cognitive structure, concept, value.
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