Examining The Mediating Effect of Brand Equity and E-WOMM on the Influence of Consumer Cultural Ethnocentrism on Perception of Perfectionism: Research on TOGG
Consumer cultural ethnocentrism, perfectionism, brand equity, electronic word of mouth marketing, consumer behaviorAbstract
The research strives to specify the mediating effect of brand equity and electronic word of mouth marketing on the effect of consumer cultural ethnocentrism on perfectionism perception in terms of TOGG sample. Convenience sampling method was employed in the research and participants driving in Isparta participated in the research. The research model was created by considering the four variables that are the subject of the research. The dimensions of consumer ethnocentrism (CE), perception of perfectionism (PP), brand equity (BE) and electronic word of mouth marketing (E-WOMM) were considered in the research model. The dashed lines illustrate the mediating role, while the continuous arrows explain the direct effect on the research model. SPSS package program was used for the creation of frequency tables, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. Smart-PLS package program was employed in the research for the creation of the measurement model, testing of the structural equation model and measuring direct/indirect effects. In the research, it was observed that consumer ethnocentrism positively affected the perception of perfectionism, electronic word of mouth marketing and brand equity. Additionally, it was understood that the mediating role of brand equity and electronic word of mouth marketing in the effect of consumer ethnocentrism on the perception of perfectionism was positive
SPSS package program was used for the creation of frequency tables, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. Smart-PLS package program was employed in the research for the creation of the measurement model, testing of the structural equation model and measuring direct/indirect effects. In the research, it was observed that consumer ethnocentrism positively affected the perception of perfectionism, electronic word of mouth marketing and brand equity. Additionally, it was understood that the mediating role of brand equity and electronic word of mouth marketing in the effect of consumer ethnocentrism on the perception of perfectionism was positive.
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