Çoklu Zekâ Kuramına Göre Düzenlenen Fen Konularının Öğrencilerin Başarı ve Kalıcılığına Etkisi (An Analysis of Researches on Science and Technology Courses Based on to the Theory of Multiple Intelligence Theory)
Multiple Intelligence Theory, Science Teaching, student achievement, RetentionAbstract
The aim of this study is to critically analyse graduate theses on the effects of 6th grade Science and Technology course subjects based on the theory of multiple intelligence on the success of students and permanence of their knowledge. The study was conducted in the form of documentary scanning and document analysis. The data of the study consisted of seven graduate theses on the subjects of 6th grade Science and Technology course. All of the theses were made together with the beginning of the application of multiple intelligence theory in our country. All of the studies were performed by using experimental method. It can be thought that the fact that control and experimental groups formed by the researchers in the studies are generally not equal to each other may affect the results of the researches. As a common result of the theses, it has been determined that the teaching methods prepared according to multiple intelligence theory have a positive effect on the students' achievements according to the traditional teaching methods. In addition, it has been observed by the researchers that the students' interest in the classes increased significantly. In the theses, although the achievement of the students at the end of the course was measured by an achievement test, their permanent success was not measured except by one researcher. Therefore, the research is insufficient to measure the effect of multiple intelligence theory on the permanence of knowledge.
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