Covid-19 Salgını Çerçevesinde Geleneksel Güvenlik Anlayışına İlişkin Bir Eleştiri ve İnsani Güvenliği Yeniden Düşünmek (A Criticism of the Traditional Security Understanding and Rethinking Human Security Within the Framework of the Covid 19 Pandemic)
Traditional security concept, new security concept, Covid-19 pandemic, human securityAbstract
With the end of the Cold War and the acceleration of the globalization process, many new changing and diversifying threats have emerged that directly target people, and this has caused the traditional view, which relies only on military methods to combat threats, to be insufficient to combat new threats. In the 1990s, contrary to what the traditional view claimed, the New Security Approach emerged, which sees not only states but also individuals and even the world we live in as the object of reference, and whose roots are based on liberalism. This understanding has expanded the agenda of security from human security to global security, including threats that have emerged or have the potential to arise in the environmental, social and economic fields. Therefore, transnational crimes, migration, overpopulation growth, scarce resources, economic instability, epidemics, natural disasters and many similar issues have formed the main agenda of the new security approach. In this context, the Covid-19 epidemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China and spread all over the world, to become a global threat, has caused the traditional view to be questioned and allowed for a new understanding of security or rethinking of human security. Although this study acknowledges that the traditional security approach does not remain far from the security policies of states, it aims to determine whether the traditional view is sufficient in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic and to evaluate the views of the new security approach, which we can see as an extension of the traditional view, within the framework of the Covid-19 epidemic.
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