Examination of Prospective Science Teachers' Cognitive Structures and Visual Images Towards the Laboratory Concept: A Mixed Methods Research
: Laboratory, prospective science teacher, cognitive structure, visual imageAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the cognitive structures and visual images of prospective science teachers towards the laboratory concept. The study group consists of 80 prospective science teachers enrolled in a state university during the 2023-2024 academic year. A convergent parallel mixed methods design was used in this study. Quantitative data were collected through the "Science Laboratory Attitude" scale. In contrast, qualitative data were collected through an open-ended question related to the "laboratory" concept, a word association test, and student drawings. Quantitative data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical program, while qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. As a result of the research, it is observed that there is no significant difference in the attitudes of prospective science teachers towards the science laboratory based on gender and the variable of following a scientific journal; however, a significant difference in favor of first grades is seen according to the class level. According to the results of qualitative data, the responses of prospective science teachers to the open-ended question about the "laboratory" concept were categorized into five categories. Students mainly described the laboratory concept with the concepts of experiment (n=51) and scientific study (n=16). The responses to the word association test related to the "laboratory" concept were categorized into six categories. While students mostly associated the laboratory concept with glass materials (n=76) and experiment (n=57) words, they associated it with minor feelings (n=9). When the drawings related to the "laboratory" concept were examined, they were categorized into seven categories. Most glass experiment materials (n=130) and laboratory items (n=80) are in the teacher candidates' drawings.
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