9. Sınıf Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ders Kitabındaki Metinlere Yönelik Öğretmen Görüşleri (The Views of Teachers on Reading Text in the Turkish Language and Literature Coursebook for Ninth Grade Students)
Turkish language and literature, course book, text choice, teachers’ viewsAbstract
The aim of our study is to have teachers of Turkish language and literature evaluate the reading texts in the Turkish language and literature coursebook for ninth grade students which was used in the 2017-2018 educational year.The reading texts in the coursebook were evaluated by teachers in terms of appropriateness to subject,the language of translated texts,the appropriateness of the length of the texts to the levels of the students and the number of class hours as well as whether the reading texts reached the goals stated in the program. In the study,the prominence of coursebook and text choice was mentioned.In addition,conceptual knowledge was given.The study was carried out using the combined method as quantitative data was used along with qualitative data.Quantitative and qualitative data was obtained in the evaluation of text choice,and the data was interpreted.Based on the responses given to the interview and questionaire,it can be concluded that the teachers of Turkish language and literature liked the texts under all of the six themes-if the teachers who were indecisive in the questionaire are not taken into consideration.The fact that some texts were too long and not appropriate for the levels of some students as well as the texts not being authentic were criticised by some participants.This revealed the weak points of the texts.It is thought that the high number of indecisive teachers in the study is related to the inactive use of the coursebook by teachers as well as their being unfamiliar with the coursebook ,and lacking the thoroughness in completing the form.
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