A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Ahiska Turks in the Web of Science and Scopus Database


  • Tamilla ŞAHİN Bağımsız Araştırmacı




Ahıska Türkler, Bibliometric Analysis, Scopus, Web of Science


This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of publications in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases concerning the Meskhetian Turks, who were exiled from Ahiska in 1944 and have since faced multiple migrations without being allowed to return to their homeland. The study involved searching for the keyword related to Meskhetian Turks in the databases, resulting in 37 studies from WoS and 34 refined studies from Scopus. The study utilized performance analysis and science mapping techniques to assess various aspects, including publication year and type, country of origin, field of study, keyword frequency and connections, and author distribution based on citation counts. The findings reveal that research on Meskhetian Turks tends to be concentrated in specific periods, with intermittent declines in interest, and is limited in number. These insights provide clear guidance for future research directions.


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How to Cite

ŞAHİN, T. (2025). A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Ahiska Turks in the Web of Science and Scopus Database. Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 9(1), 27–48. https://doi.org/10.15659/jancr.v9i1.216

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