Lise Öğrencilerinin Öğrenci Kavramına Yükledikleri Metaforik Algının Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi (Investigation of High School Students’ Metaphoric Perception to Student Concept According to Various Variables)
Student, Metaphor, Perception, Socio- economic Status, Metaphoric PerceptionAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the high school students’ metaphoric meaning of student as a concept according to various variables. For this purpose, it was studied with 378 high school students who were studying at state schools in Düzce. The research was carried out in relational survey model. “Metaphoric Perception Scale of Student Concept” and “Socio-economic Level Determination Scale” are the data collection tools used in this research. In the study, independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were used. According to the findings, it was concluded students attending vocational high schools had a more positive perception about the concept of the student, and as the socio-economic levels of the students increased, negative perceptions increased and the perceptions of the students differed according to the place of residence. Considering that the settlement is one of the important factors, the value structure of the school environment should be taken into consideration by the researchers in the studies to be carried out in this field.
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