Kuşak Çalışmalarının Kronolojik Yörüngesi (The Chronological Trajectory of Generational Studies)
Generations, trajectory of generation studies, generation X, generation Y, generation Z, digital natives and immigrantAbstract
Generations are defined as the groups of people who lived in the same time period and witnessed similar social events and exhibit the same period effects and characteristics cognitively and emotionally. Generations are groups that have been exposed to similar historical events and bear the consequences. In this direction, these groups are formed by those who have witnessed important historical periods; traditionalists are defined in different ways, such as the baby boom generation, the X generation, the Y generation, the Millennials, and the Z generation. Aside from traditional generation classifications, there are others such as digital natives and immigrants, net generation, game generation, grasshopper mind, millennial students and jumping generation, which are shaped as a result of the effects of the media. Each generation carries the effects of the socio-political and socio-economic events of its own period. The purpose of this study is to explore the historical chronology of generation studies across a lengthy period of history and to reveal their historical development paths. The study was carried out within the framework of the scanning model. On this premise, the main studies on generations that stand out in the literature have been reached and the chronological development process of generation studies has been discussed through these basic studies. In the context of prominent studies in the literature, the chronological trajectories of generations have been examined with a holistic approach and their developmental stages in the historical process have been analyzed and discussed.
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