Libya Matematik Ders Kitaplarının Analizi: İlköğretim Yedinci Sınıftan Dokuzuncu Sınıfa (Analysis of Libya Mathematics Course Books: Seventh Grade to Nine Grade)
Mathematics, textbook, mathematics in LibyaAbstract
This study, it is aimed to reveal the relationship between the current course curriculum of the mathematics textbook taught in Libya in 7. 8 and 9th grade. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the content, presentation and the questions of the mathematics topics in order to provide a detailed picture of how mathematical issues are conceptualized and handled in secondary school mathematics textbooks used in Libya. As a result of the study, the content of the mathematics textbooks, the topics covered, the order of the topics and the size of the topics in the book (the number of pages) and the relationship between the duration of the mathematics program were revealed. From the findings obtained as a result of the study, it was concluded that the textbook is compatible with the program.
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