İntihar ile Hayatını Sonlandıran Şizofrenili Bir Annenin Çocuğu Olmak: Sosyal Hizmet Etiği Bağlamında Durum Çalışması
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Aile- intihar- sosyal hizmet etiği- şizofreniÖzet
In addition to the person diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, the lives of caregivers are also negatively affected. The possibility of individuals with schizophrenia committing suicide has been identified as a significant risk factor in previous research. In this study, because the other two children of a mother diagnosed with schizophrenia who committed suicide did not accept to be interviewed, an interview was conducted with the oldest child (aged 31), who also provided the most care, and in-depth information was collected. In addition to the in-depth interview, documents related to the mother were examined and data diversification was achieved through active observation during the interview. The purpose of this study is to examine the lives of families within the scope of social work ethical principles and values by evaluating the support provided and not provided within the scope of psychosocial problems experienced by a family member in a family where both schizophrenia, a severe psychiatric illness, and suicide had occurred. The study used a case study design, one of the qualitative research methods. The participant of the study was the oldest child of a schizophrenic mother who committed suicide and was referred to as “interviewee/participant” throughout the study. Criterion sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods in qualitative research, was used to select the participant. A semi-structured interview form prepared by the researcher was used to collect data through in-depth interviews with the interviewee. Holistic single-case analysis was used in the data analysis.
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