İşletmelerde Oyunlaştırma Uygulamaları (Gamification For Organizations)



gamification, business processes, business practices, commitment, motivation


Nowadays, organizations are challenged by globalization and technological developments and in order to overcome these challenges it is necessary to improve their processes internally and externally by increasing engagement and motivation. Gamification applications could help organizations in this manner. Gamification is basically the implementation of game design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. Companies can also apply game elements they choose to their business processes and/or software to achieve their strategic goals in line with the needs and requests of target audiences. Thus, a literature review conducted to make sure the gamification is implemented systematically, and the steps, methods and models proposed for the design of gamification has been examined.


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How to Cite

İRKEY, T. (2019). İşletmelerde Oyunlaştırma Uygulamaları (Gamification For Organizations). Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JANCR), 3(3), 359–370. Retrieved from https://ankad.org/index.php/ankad/article/view/69

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