Historical Stories Inspired by the Bāburnāma in Modern Uzbek Literature: An Analysis of Nuqta and Oy Botgan Pallada
Hayriddin Sultan, historical story, story in Uzbek literature, post-independence Uzbek literature, Babur, BāburnāmaAbstract
Following Uzbekistan’s independence, significant transformations occurred in various fields, including literature. Literary thought underwent renewal, leading to innovations and changes in its essence, content, and style. In particular, historical literary works began to be approached from an objective perspective, reflecting historical events and figures in literary texts. This period witnessed notable changes in the themes of literature, methods of expression, and the social and aesthetic responsibilities literature assumed. In the period of independence and it s aftermath, approaching history with sincerity and portraying it impartially in literary works became a defining characteristic of literary texts produced during this era, with writers considering it a responsibility. The narrative texts that focus on the character of Shah and poet Mirza Babur, and the difficulties that he experienced during his life are quite interesting due to their plots and characters as well as their language and style. These works reflect Babur’s qualities, which serve as moral lessons for people across different periods. Drawing inspiration from the information found in the Bāburnāma, Hayriddin Sultan enriches these accounts with his imagination in the stories Oy Botgan Pallada and Nuqta. In these narratives, Sultan revives historical events in alignment with Babur’s descriptions in his work. A closer examination of the chain of events in these works of literature reveals that they help readers form a clear impression of both Babur’s life and character. In addition to highlighting Babur’s openmindedness and different traits in his stories, Hayriddin Sultan draws attention to the fact that Babur was a cautious ruler and affectionate father. He further portrays Babur as a linguistically sensitive individual, a caring family man who does not neglect those around him, a statesman attentive to his surroundings, and an administrator who values consultation.
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